Free consult

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Make an appointment with one of our lawyers. You can register here for a consultation.

Make an appointment

The first meeting is always for FREE and non-binding. We make the first assessment for you.

Free consult

Make an appointment for free and without obligation!
Make an appointment with one of our lawyers. You can register here for a consultation.

Make an appointment

The first meeting is always for FREE and non-binding. We make the first assessment for you.

Free consult

Make an appointment for free and without obligation!
Make an appointment with one of our lawyers. You can register here for a consultation.

Make an appointment

The first meeting is always for FREE and non-binding. We make the first assessment for you.


Christian van Dijk

Our rates

Subsidized legal aid
We are registered at the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand. This means that we often work in cases where legal aid is subsidized by the government, by means of the so-called ‘toevoeging’. If your income and assets are below a certain limit, you are eligible for a ‘toevoeging’. In that case, a large part of the costs are financed by the government and you pay only a fixed amount per case, as a personal contribution.

The amount of the personal contribution depends on your income and assets and is determined by the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand. Would you like to investigate whether you are eligible for subsidized legal aid?

The Raad voor Rechtsbijstand determines the personal contribution on the basis of fiscal data from two years prior to the current year. In 2020, they will look at data from 2018. Were your income and assets above the limit two years ago, but has there been a significant fall in income or assests? Then we can ask the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand to shift the reference year to the current year, so that you may still be eligible for subsidized legal aid.

If you receive social assistance benefits from the municipality, you can even apply for special assistance (‘bijzondere bijstand’) for the personal contribution and court fees that you have to pay. This is almost always assigned by the municipality: you then litigate completely free of charge!

Hourly wage or fixed price agreement
If your income and assets are above the applied limit, we will make clear agreements with you about the costs, so that you know what to expect and will not surprised in the future. We use fixed hourly rates and will make an estimation of the expected hours that will be spend on your case as far as possible.

In some cases, you may prefer to know the exact costs beforehand. We understand that and that is why we are always willing to speak about a fixed price within which we will perform all work. In short: we find out what suits your case best in mutual consultation.

Our rates

Subsidized legal aid
We are registered at the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand. This means that we often work in cases where legal aid is subsidized by the government, by means of the so-called ‘toevoeging’. If your income and assets are below a certain limit, you are eligible for a ‘toevoeging’. In that case, a large part of the costs are financed by the government and you pay only a fixed amount per case, as a personal contribution.

The amount of the personal contribution depends on your income and assets and is determined by the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand. Would you like to investigate whether you are eligible for subsidized legal aid?

The Raad voor Rechtsbijstand determines the personal contribution on the basis of fiscal data from two years prior to the current year. In 2020, they will look at data from 2018. Were your income and assets above the limit two years ago, but has there been a significant fall in income or assests? Then we can ask the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand to shift the reference year to the current year, so that you may still be eligible for subsidized legal aid.

If you receive social assistance benefits from the municipality, you can even apply for special assistance (‘bijzondere bijstand’) for the personal contribution and court fees that you have to pay. This is almost always assigned by the municipality: you then litigate completely free of charge!

Hourly wage or fixed price agreement
If your income and assets are above the applied limit, we will make clear agreements with you about the costs, so that you know what to expect and will not surprised in the future. We use fixed hourly rates and will make an estimation of the expected hours that will be spend on your case as far as possible.

In some cases, you may prefer to know the exact costs beforehand. We understand that and that is why we are always willing to speak about a fixed price within which we will perform all work. In short: we find out what suits your case best in mutual consultation.

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